LSU Tiger Den Storage User Configuration

Preproduction Release 0.92


How to get a TigerDen Account

Here are the steps to getting a TigerDen Account:

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How to mount TigerDen on MacOS

Follow these steps:


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How to mount TigerDen on Linux via Samba

Notice: You must either run the mount command as the root user, or using sudo.

The generic Linux/UNIX mount command uses the following format: mount -t cifs -o username=AD_USERNAME,,uid=UID,gid=GID //$ MOUNT_POINT

For example, Mike Tiger uses the following mount command: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=tiger1,,uid=1001,gid=1000 //$ /home/mike/td

When you do the mount, you will need to enter your AD credentials to authorize access to the TigerDen share. If you typed sudoAA before the command you wil need to provide your local paasword for sudo.

Here is the output of mike running the id command on their local machine:

$ id
uid=1001(mike) gid=1000(mike_group) groups=1000(mike_group)

How to unmount the share: umount %MOUNT_POINT

Using the above mount example, the unmount command would be: umount /home/mike/td


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How to mount TigerDen on Windows 11

Follow these steps:


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E-mail and TigerDen

  • During the account creation process
  • Notices about scheduled outages
  • Account renewals
  • Account misuse/abuse
  • Alarms that you set
  • Replies to tickets Top of Page

  • TigerDen Questions

    This section will be updated in the future.

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    Open a Ticket

    Submit a ticket using the open ticket form.

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    Request Restore From Backup

    You may only request a restore if you’ve selected the Pay for Backup option.

    Please Open a Ticket requesting your restore.

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    mount error: could not resolve address for Unknown error

    If you get the error:

    mount error: could not resolve address for Unknown error rotates amongst twelve different servers for load balancing. The DNS to do this is handled by the TigerDen hardware subsystem. If your DNS server is not a LSU DNS Server, it will not know to ask TigerDen to resolve

    If you are trying to mount from off campus, when you connect to the LSU VPN, it autpmatically updates your machine to be able to auomatically resolve the TigerDen address space (and other LSU specific items).


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